Ready to stop feeling like a fraud so you can makes sales in your business?

Yes!! Let's do this

Imposter Syndrome and this feeling of being a fraud is holding you back from making the money you want to make in your business.

Let’s shift those thoughts starting TODAY.

Grab your journal, a pair of headphones, and settle into a cozy spot so we can start to break down your imposter syndrome together.

In just 3 days, you’ll be on your way to freedom from that negative voice and the stories in your head that tell you you’re unworthy or incapable...

And on your way to signing clients and making the money you want to make in your business.  

Ready to finally stop letting imposter syndrome hold you back?


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This 3-day challenge will cover:

Day 1 ✨

Breaking down what imposter syndrome really is, how it's holding you back, how to combat your negative thoughts, and an epic journaling exercise to get shit moving.

✨ Day 2 ✨

Taking ownership over your wins and your accomplishments, completing your Worthy Resume.

✨ Day 3 ✨

Activating your highest self, and taking action as the next level version of yourself 💅

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