190 - Doing Sales Calls When You Feel Like a Fraud | Imposter Syndrome for Coaches

Are doing sales calls or even thinking about doing sales calls for your business completely scary and terrifying? When you feel like a fraud, sales calls can be such a confronting experience, but in this episode, Iā€™m going to help you feel more at ease and confident with doing them, and I even give you a simple process so you can feel really good about doing them.


1:1 Coaching ā†’ https://www.jillianparekh.com/fraud-to-6-figures-application

Buy my book ā†’ www.jillianparekh.com/yns-book

Weekly email series ā†’ www.jillianparekh.com/fraud-fridays

Instagram ā†’ www.instagram.com/yourcoachjill


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