This Energy is Impacting Your Results | Imposter Syndrome

 Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:

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So today I'm coming at you with a very Jillism, Jillosophy, whatever the fuck it is with your half-ass energy. I send really long fucking voice notes. When you are my client on Voxer, get ready because I literally send the longest voice notes. Sometimes I just get on a roll and I'll be like, you know what? This person needs to fucking hear this. I also am not a big fan of call-out culture.


I like to lovingly call out my clients and lovingly support them and be like, listen, this is what I'm observing. How was it happening for you? Because a lot of the time we can't see past our own bullshit. A lot of the time we cannot see what we're actually doing. That is sabotaging us. And even if we think we are okay, because that's the ego swooping in and saying, you know what? I don't need this mindset, coach. I already have myself on lock. I'm already good.


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Why You Feel Nervous Before Coaching Calls | Imposter Syndrome

Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:

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So today we are talking about that anxiety that you may have before a coaching call. Now, this can also be applied to any type of service-based entrepreneur. So let's say you're VA and you're looking for, um, people who may potentially need your services or you're on Instagram or you're talking to people. I actually had an NLP breakthrough session client who was talking about how she would actually look at people and think, Oh, like I already don't want to work with them. And she couldn't figure out why. And the same thing goes for when you're so fucking pumped to be a coach or you're so excited to do the damn thing. And you start to get that anxiety or weird. I don't want to do this energy when you actually have to perform and by perform, I mean, get on coaching calls or pitch your services or whatever.


This also came up for one of my clients who took like a really...

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Success Can Be Scary, Too | Imposter Syndrome

Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:

Apple podcast




Hey, Hey, this podcast is sponsored by The From Imposter to Empowered course. This is my 10 step signature methodology to find and defeat your limiting beliefs, overcome your imposter syndrome and to help you become the most successful version of yourself and drop the shit that has been holding you back. This signature methodology is something that I use with my clients and they have had amazing breakthroughs because of it. 


They've signed clients directly. After our calls, they have gone on to break through income barriers. I've worked with five figure and six figure entrepreneurs. Honestly, I got to tell you guys, we all have the same fears. We all have the same things that hold us back, but it just takes a little bit of the unclogging of your drain. As I like to say that unclogging of all the shit is just unclogging the way in which abundance...

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