4 Ways to Combat Comparisonitis | Imposter Syndrome

Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:

Apple podcast



I was really thinking about one thing I repeatedly see in my DMS. One thing I consistently see with regard to people who are struggling and one thing I am constantly asked to discuss in my guest podcasts is the topic of comparisonitis. If you're often at war with your inner imposter, chances are you experience extreme comparisonitis as well. Maybe seeing the progress and wins of other people in the online space only makes you more anxious and it only shines a light into how incompetent, unorganized and overwhelmed you feel. But you really want to cheer on your biz bestie. You really want to cheer on these women and really feel good about what you're doing!


One thing I want to say is comparisonitis will come in waves. So there are times where I'll just have a day where I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing, even though there's totally quotations on that, because...

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Your Business is Important and Necessary | Imposter Syndrome

Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:

Apple Podcast



Do you know that feeling you get when you're talking about your business to people who are in your real life and your personal life, so not your online life- where you have all these amazing internet, friends and Instagram friends that are doing the same thing as you. I'm talking about when you're at the lunch table at your full time job with all your coworkers or you're at a family function, and somebody is asking you about your business and you're feeling kind of small and insignificant, and you don't really know how to articulate and how to explain to your 85 year old granddad that what you do is help women with their confidence. You help them push their business forward by overcoming their fears and imposter syndrome. How do you explain that in a way that makes you feel confident and makes you feel good?


We all know that the more that we own these things and...

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Why You Should Name Your Inner Imposter | Imposter Syndrome

Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:

Apple podcast



So today's episode is going to be quite short, but it came up for me, especially because in this time in my life. I have found that balancing a full time job and being an entrepreneur on the side is very challenging. We're just going to jump right into it by the way, getting deep already. What came up for me was that I am constantly having to be productive and this is also related to some anxiety issues that I have in terms of feeling like my value in my worthiness is based on my doing.


I spend very little time just being, relaxing and just being okay with wherever I am, because I always feel like there's a future goal to achieve, or there's some world of success that I am not a part of yet, and that I just need to work as hard as I can to get to that place.. But that place doesn't exist.


I really wanted to talk about being okay with being where you're at and...

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