I was thinking about energy and how important it is for us to be energetic and feel good because it helps us maintain our businesses, helps us move forward and helps us with our motivation when it comes to our business.
The main reason I created the Energy Management Bundle is because I found that as I started working with more and more one-on-one clients...I was on calls so much and those were really draining me.
I was really taking on the energy of other people and I didn't know a ton about energy management or protecting and preserving my energy when I first started out.
Then when I started to go on more of a spiritual journey, I started realizing,
"Oh, there's things that you can do to maintain and preserve your energy."
And that's where The Perfect Launch Vault came from.
Then the Energy Management Bundle was born because I was working with so many clients and I was realizing how drained I was and how that was affecting my emotional energy. Because the thing is, when you're...
Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:
So today's episode is actually something that I found in my notes. I was like, what am I going to talk about this month? And I came across, "does finally making money make you feel less like an imposter".
I wanted to create a conversation around this because usually when it comes to exchanging our services for money, we feel like that means that it's legit. That means that it's real for me. I kept feeling in the beginning that my business wasn't real until I started making money. It didn't help reading stuff from somebody who was pretty prominent in the industry saying, "you're not running a business if you're not making money". And I really revolted against that, probably because I took it very personally, but also because I was reading it and like thinking to myself that, wow, I guess I'm not running a business then, which just perpetuated my own...
Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:
Today's episode is going to be a really great tool for you to use in order for you to get calm and get grounded, especially when you're in that inner imposter cycle. And that cycle can look a little bit like negative thoughts, which translate into feelings of unworthiness, which then contribute to your limiting beliefs and then turn into self-sabotage...and then it cycles back to those negative thoughts.
So let's look through a cycle of imposter syndrome. Let’s say you're starting to have negative thoughts because you're looking at somebody else's story and you're thinking, “Wow, this coach does the same thing as me and she's already hitting 10K months.”
Then you start feeling those feelings of unworthiness: “Why haven't I hit 10 K months? Why aren't I good enough to be able to be a coach in this field and hit 10K...
Listen to this episode on the From Imposter to Empowered podcast:
Today's episode is going to be short and sweet, and something that's been coming up for a few of my clients. One thing that they're really struggling with is procrastination and feeling very unmotivated when it comes to working on their business. And for some reason, this fosters feelings of imposter syndrome.
Being unmotivated or unable to work on your business or feeling like you want to procrastinate comes with deeper emotional issues. And that's why I think some people feel like it may be a symptom of their imposter syndrome because they're thinking, “Am I really an imposter? Like, should I even really be doing this if I can't even find the energy to work on it?” Especially because our coaching businesses are supposed to be our passions. It’s supposed to be something that we're super passionate about and we want to work on all the...
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