Success Can Be Scary, Too | Imposter Syndrome

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Hey, Hey, this podcast is sponsored by The From Imposter to Empowered course. This is my 10 step signature methodology to find and defeat your limiting beliefs, overcome your imposter syndrome and to help you become the most successful version of yourself and drop the shit that has been holding you back. This signature methodology is something that I use with my clients and they have had amazing breakthroughs because of it. 


They've signed clients directly. After our calls, they have gone on to break through income barriers. I've worked with five figure and six figure entrepreneurs. Honestly, I got to tell you guys, we all have the same fears. We all have the same things that hold us back, but it just takes a little bit of the unclogging of your drain. As I like to say that unclogging of all the shit is just unclogging the way in which abundance...

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Fear of Judgment is BS | Imposter Syndrome

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Hello. Hello, and welcome back to The From Imposter to Empowered podcast with me, your host, Jill, and if you haven't gottenThe From Imposter to Empowered course yet, what are you doing? I just did a launch for it, and this is my signature imposter syndrome course. If you're somebody who has really been struggling, but you're not quite ready to work with a coach, you're not ready to make that investment, this is for you. 


I have made a low ticket course for you to dig your hands in and get all my high level tools such as NLP, the rejection template and all of this amazing stuff. And it's basically my 10 step signature methodology and how I help my clients through their own experiences with imposter syndrome and all the things that make them feel not good enough. We do a ton of subconscious work and it really is amazing. Because I love my loyal...

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When Nothing Works... Until It Does | Imposter Syndrome

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Today's topic is all about personal development. It can be pretty hard to stay on track of personal development, especially because you're going to be upleveling all the time. You're going to be doing new things and your brain is simultaneously trying to keep you safe. It sees every emotional risk as danger. It equates physical danger the same as it would emotional danger. That's why you would be just as terrified of going on a stage and speaking in front of people as you would before going skydiving. That's just because our brains are trying to keep us safe. It's trying to prevent us from any unnecessary feeling, negative emotion, because those negative emotions lead to negative consequences. When we feel bad, we naturally do things that aren't in our best interests. The way you uplevel is to do things that scare you or to do things that push you out of that comfort...

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Over-consuming Info is a Symptom of Imposter Syndrome | Imposter Syndrome

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Today's episode is all about over consumption. Over consumption is a symptom of imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is the persistent internalized fear of being revealed as a fraud. One of the ways that you cope is by over consuming information about your niche, about the area in which you claim to be an expert, all out of fear.


For example, when I actually started talking about imposter syndrome in January, 2019 is when I declared that to be my niche. I felt like a fucking fraud talking about imposter syndrome. I thought "even though I've struggled with it myself, and even though I have all this education and certifications behind me, I still don't feel like I'm qualified enough to tell people about my own experiences". So naturally, I read all of the books possible on imposter syndrome. I looked up all the studies, I read all the research and I would just be...

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Does Making Money Make You Feel Like Less of An Imposter | Imposter Syndrome

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So today's episode is actually something that I found in my notes. I was like, what am I going to talk about this month? And I came across, "does finally making money make you feel less like an imposter". 


I wanted to create a conversation around this because usually when it comes to exchanging our services for money, we feel like that means that it's legit. That means that it's real for me. I kept feeling in the beginning that my business wasn't real until I started making money. It didn't help reading stuff from somebody who was pretty prominent in the industry saying, "you're not running a business if you're not making money". And I really revolted against that, probably because I took it very personally, but also because I was reading it and like thinking to myself that, wow, I guess I'm not running a business then, which just perpetuated my own...

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How to Overcome Your Inner Imposter During a Launch | Imposter Syndrome

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Today I wanted to talk to you about launching cause launching can be super fun. I see so many people talking about launching and all the things you have to do: funnels and the strategy and the showing up on Instagram stories and all the technical logical things. You have probably done a launch and realized how exhausting they are. Not just physically, but they are mentally exhausting. And I think that your mindset is the most important thing to stay on top of when it comes to your launch. And that is because if you are not able to stay positive, to stay in the right mindset, you will actually self sabotage your launch. 


I have talked to literally every single one of my clients and they have said that they have sabotaged a launch before. It happens to the best of us. I have launched so many things, but they've never come to fruition because I gave up on...

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How to Get Yourself Out of The Imposter Syndrome Cycle | Imposter Syndrome

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Today's episode is going to be a really great tool for you to use in order for you to get calm and get grounded, especially when you're in that inner imposter cycle. And that cycle can look a little bit like negative thoughts, which translate into feelings of unworthiness, which then contribute to your limiting beliefs and then turn into self-sabotage...and then it cycles back to those negative thoughts. 


So let's look through a cycle of imposter syndrome. Let’s say you're starting to have negative thoughts because you're looking at somebody else's story and you're thinking, “Wow, this coach does the same thing as me and she's already hitting 10K months.”


Then you start feeling those feelings of unworthiness: “Why haven't I hit 10 K months? Why aren't I good enough to be able to be a coach in this field and hit 10K...

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3 Myths About Imposter Syndrome That You Believe are True | Imposter Syndrome

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Today I wanted to dive into the topic of debunking the myths about imposter syndrome, and you may not even know that these myths exist. You may believe that it’s just something in your life that affects the way you show up and you know that you have it, but you don't really know what to do about it.  The main thing with imposture syndrome is that there are beliefs that are ingrained in you that are enforcing your imposter syndrome. That’s where the trouble comes, because they are so deep rooted.


That’s everything I do in terms of the work with my clients - working past these beliefs, creating new neural pathways and really focusing on overcoming your inner imposter. Which, if you haven't given a name yet to your inner imposture make sure you do, because the first step here is you are not your inner imposter, it is a voice that is...

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This is How You Can Beat Being Rejected | Imposter Syndrome

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This page is for you if you're an entrepreneur, a woman trying to navigate the online space with a lot of passion and a lot of uncertainty. Firstly, I wanted to remind you that the Many Minds Mastermind is open and for anyone wondering what this mastermind is – it’s is a community of women who are online coaches and are coming together to talk about the real and raw shit that goes on in the coaching industry. Dealing with rejection and failure, overcoming your imposter syndrome, getting through that eagle trap of feeling like you need to know everything and do everything. Really just having conversations about the real things that go on in our lives that affect us showing up as coaches. This industry is so saturated with such masculinity approaches in terms of always ‘hustling’ always feeling like you need to be the expert or are always feeling like...

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Escaping Corporate Despite the Fear | with Jaclyn DeJesus

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Hey, you guys! Welcome back to the pod with me, Jillian Parekh. I am your host for the From Imposter To Empowered Podcast. And today we actually have my very first guest interview that I ever did for the pod. Back in September of 2019, I decided to do some interviews, and I got really on my horse about, “yeah, I'm going to have people on the podcast.”


And then I went to a couple of events. I just had all this stuff going on. I was revamping my business. There were so many things going on that I actually didn't have the time to work on these interviews. But my beautiful podcast guests have been so patient with me. The very first one that I did was with Jaclyn DeJesus and she is a marketing maven who runs a creative project management company for branding, web design and digital marketing projects. She's passionate about social media and that is how we...

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